Saudi Center for Opinion Polling
The Saudi Center for Opinion Polling (SCOP) has confirmed that society welcomes the measures to empower Saudi women

The Saudi Center for Opinion Polling (SCOP) has confirmed that society welcomes the measures to empower Saudi women

  • 1674870
  • 08 Mar 2022

The Saudi Center for Opinion Polling (SCOP) revealed, on the occasion of International Women’s Day on March 8 of each year, that the Saudi community welcomes the social reforms related to women’s empowerment and appreciates the official procedures taken in this regard, and their feeling of its positive impact on their social and developmental path.

Arwah Al-Manha, the content manager at the SCOP, explained that the center conducts annual surveys on various topics related to social affairs and public opinion, confirming that their results show strong support for social reforms and the community’s awareness of their importance in their development and growth, and empowering their members, men and women, to contribute to building their country.

She pointed to some of the direct results conducted in 2021, where 92% expressed their appreciation and welcome for the decision to allow women to drive, which shows that the community has felt the practical benefit of implementing this decision. This survey was conducted on over three thousand Saudis who were randomly selected from 96% of the Saudi population with a margin of error of 1.8%.

She added, “In another survey, 94% of Saudis confirmed that the employment of Saudi women in 2021 increased compared to the situation five years ago. In the same context – but in another survey with the same characteristics of sample size and margin of error – the Saudi community strongly welcomed women’s work in various jobs, and even appreciated it by 84% of Saudis. Regarding the woman’s authority over herself in travel and study abroad, 62% of Saudis in the same year, 2021, expressed their support for that.”

Al-Manha stated that the meanings confirmed by these results and many other results confirm an important fact, which is the strong appreciation of members of the Saudi community for the official decisions and initiatives that seek social development; so that members of society, men and women, contribute effectively to building society in line with the Kingdom’s Vision 2030.