Research question(s) / challenge To what extent do parents and guardians who have children in school prefer to study in person or from a distance? What are the reasons for the preference of parents and guardians who have children in the public education system to study in person or from a distance? What are the effects of some of the variables? Like the education level, the type of school, and the family’s exposure to Corona, according to the parents’ opinion on the preference for the type of study?
The survey was built by a team of three experts holding a doctorate degree, according to the scientific methodology followed by the Saudi Center for Opinion Polls, which is based on axes and weights.
Research question(s) / challenge How many people read, time spent reading? What format is used for the different reading topics? What is the motivation(s) to read? Where and when do people read? Methodology The survey questions are built by a team of three experts holding doctorate degrees, according to the Saudi Center’s methodology based on objectives. The sample was weighted to ensure that the analysis is generalizable to the entire target population. The survey questions were judged by two experts different from the third researcher who built the survey, and then the study plan was reviewed statistically and linguistically. In ...
Getting to know the citizens’ evaluation of public education in the Kingdom, by expressing their opinion on the level of (23) indicators that measured six axes: the ability of public education to develop skills necessary for life, the competence of teachers, developing basic scientific skills, a safe school environment, and preparing students for post-public education. and sports development.